Monday, January 25, 2010

Planning for the Photo Shoot

I will admit that coming back to work after a long and busy tradeshow week led my mind to wander towards some more superficial baby planning today...

Forget the fact that the baby bed featured in the post below and a few pairs of baby shoes is all we have to show for the last 7.5 months of pregnancy....I am ready to plan for the newborn photo shoot!

A few well spent minutes on helped me come up with a few favorites for the standard "naked newborn with cute head gear" photos we have to look forward to. Feel free to weight in on your favorites!

I think this elfish special from deusprovidebit might be delightful.

Although this one from knitrgal might be perfect for our little pea in the pod.

From the same vendor, just cause we hope this little one doesn't fall too far from the tree....

I love the colors and brim of this one by preppypeach but wonder if it would be better once he is older?

In case baby lansford shares his father's first love, ForStitchesSake has us covered.

And my personal favorite. adriennekinsella's design will show who will be the king of our house.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby's Got a Bed

One word....


Thank you, oh thank you Clearance "As Is" section of RC Willey's outlet store. You have helped me achieve my dream of owning this simple, beautiful and "oh so modern" crib.

The babe is kicking with excitement.


Needless to say, this mommy-to-be is chomping at the bit to get cracking on the rest of the nursery.