We started the program with a beautiful version of "What Heaven Sees in You." We adapted a program that walks through the several stages of a flower's bloom, and further made it our own with 3-4 sisters (in various stages of life) sharing some of their current joys and times they chose to bloom where they were planted. I loved hearing what each sister prepared and felt somewhat akin to each of what they shared.
We served Cafe Rio Cheater Pork Salads, which were such a hit with our sisters. Birthday cupcakes from Granite were so yummy, I was even short several. Sorry, sisters!
The decor was so masterful. I have a lady in my ward who can literally do wonders out of what seems like nothing. We brainstormed the concept and then, wow, did she deliver. The blooms were free and cut from a very generous neighbor's tree. Love!
I'm so grateful to have such a talented and willing board. We're about to have some serious fun this year, ladies!